Many thanks to all who read and made suggestions. LATEST Would you please be more specific about where it is greyed out It would help if you posted a screen shot. In the meantime tho', although I realise this would not work for everybody, it does work for my own workflow. Adobe gave me an email for the specialist helpline (for Premiere), and I know the guy's name, so if anything changes I can get them to look at it again. Premiere only works on "Video & Audio", which is fine for me as video uses a lot of resources and I do it separately from other stuff anyway, and because all the data is kept either on shared external Hard Drives or temporarily on the shared SSD. So now I have two user accounts, one called "Standard", and the other called "Video & Audio". I had to go into town anyway, so took the laptop back to the shop that did the upgrade, and they did their stuff, but concluded that it was an Adobe problem Adobe rang back this morning and I spoke to the same guy, and asked him if he could help me set up a new and separate user account with administrator rights. He arranged to ring back the next morning, but suggested that if I could I should contact "microsoft" to check the user account was not corrupted. IAN JULIAN Participant, I can no longer work in conjunction with Organizer. 0 My Organizer is no longer connected to Premiere Elements.
But as pointed out above, CS1, CS2, and CS3 cannot be reactivated under any circumstance. Home Premiere Elements Discussions Re: My Organizer is no longer connected to Premier. Double-click the DeNoiser effect to apply it to the clips Want to make your Adobe Premiere Pro videos look their best Here are some simple tips to help. Premiere Elements 11 Content (Clip Arts, DVD Templates, Movie Themes, Title Templates) INTRODUCTION Premiere Elements Content (versions 7, 8, 9, and 10) has always been available online as free download for the user who opted to purchase Premiere Elements program as a download from Adobe.

It still did not work on my user account even on "run as administrator. Fortunately, clean and legal installs of CS4 on another computer should still work (although won't run on macOS Catalina or newer). Photoshop is equipped with various adobe program packages that help. I checked and ensure that my setting were for DV and PAL: EventLog has these details: Is there anything I can do to overcome this.
I gave remote access to a guy who spent 1-2 hours doing all kinds of stuff I did not understand, but establishing that PE2018 worked on the "Administrator" account that is hidden within windows somewhere. Please can anyone help resolve this milanp91758702 New Here, This was working a few months back and now whenever I attempt to capture video from my DV Camcorder I get the pop up shown below. OK folks - it has been resolved to my satisfaction and I will try to explain how (it took a while).