Scroll down to read more about these top picks for the best coolants for motorbikes according to many happy buyers. Best Overall Coolant: Maxima Coolanol Motorcycle & ATV Coolant | Buy Now Best Propylene Glycol Coolant: VP Racing Fuels Stay Frosty Race-Ready Coolant | Buy Now Best Ethylene Glycol Coolant: Kawasaki Aluma-Cool Engine Coolant | Buy Now Best Motorcycle Coolant for Reducing Engine Temperature: Red Line Super Cool Performance Coolant with Water Wetter | Buy Now Best Motorcycle Coolant for a Long Life: Honda HP Coolant | Buy Now Best Motorcycle-Specific Coolant: Motul Motocool Expert | Buy Now Best Racing Coolant: Engine Ice High-Performance Powersports Coolant | Buy Now Best Motorcycle Coolant for Extreme Temperatures: Evans NPG Waterless Engine Coolant | Buy Now Best Valuable Coolant: Star Brite Star Cool Premium Synthetic PG Coolant | Buy Now Our list pulls together the best motorcycle coolant options on the market to serve any type of bike or weather condition. Thomas’ Top Picks for the Best Coolants for Motorcycles 2023 Here is a list of the best motorbike coolants, followed by a buying guide to help you select the best product for your needs. This means they prevent the engine from both overheating and freezing in most conditions. Water-based coolants have much lower freezing points and higher boiling points than antifreeze or water alone. Coolants are a mixture of water and antifreeze, whereas antifreeze products are concentrates and essentially water-free coolants. Motorcycle coolant is not the same as motorcycle antifreeze, although the two are often used synonymously. Motorcycle coolant is essential for long-lasting and efficient engine performance For high-performance bikes that use liquid-cooled rather than air-cooled engines, motorcycle coolant is the key to the bike’s cooling process. That is why a cooling system is fundamental to the performance and longevity of a motorcycle engine. Motorcycle engines produce a lot of heat and if this heat exceeds certain limits, it can damage the metal parts of the engine. When you purchase products through our independent recommendations, we may earn an affiliate commission. Thomas has been connecting North American industrial buyers and suppliers for more than 120 years. Welcome to the Thomas guide to the best motorcycle coolant 2023.